My Story


Find what brings you joy and go there.

I’m Hannah Maple.

An Interior Designer, travel enthusiast, and purveyor of all-things chic.


Oh, and I’m a mama to three littles. And I’m constantly working to show them that they, too, can pursue their biggest and boldest dreams. All the while living a meaningful life that’s slow and soulful, full of beauty and wonder.

My passions are many but mostly lie in travel & hospitality, writing, and all-things design related. So this is my happy place, and my creative outlet, where my passions merge together to inspire & feed your soul.

I also have an obsession with one-of-a-kind curiosities, hailing from around the world. I firmly believe that a home should be collected, soulful, and representative of a family’s story. I’m constantly on the hunt for amazing, unique goods that I’ll share with you in a small and thoughtful e-shop.

So welcome to House of Maple. I’m so excited to share my world and my dreams with you. I’m so happy you’re here.